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Multi Scanner App
This app made with Ionic will allow you:
to convert pictures to text
to scan and generate Qr-codes and Barcodes
to insert scanned codes in Excel lists
Without ads and completely for free.
Capture text from books and documents
Capture text from labels on products (wine bottles, drink cans, food packing)
Scan Qr codes (and if it’s a link open in the browser).
Scan Barcodes
Create your own Barcodes and QR codes and save them as PDF or image.
Easily save, edit and manage all your scanned records.
Plug-ins used:
Camera with picture conversion to Basa64
OCR (Optical character recognition) API carried out on a different server
.xlsx (Excel document) creation, editing and saving
QR-codes scan plug-in
Bar-code scan plug-in
Script to convert text to Qr-code
Script to convert text to Barcode
Memory storage for saving records
Smartphone Android Honor 9 Lite
Apple iPhone 8 Plus
Apple iPad 3a generation